2023 Professional Tax Preparer With Software

Includes Personal, Business and marketing training. With UAC Tax Software Regular Price $ 4,709 Discounted Price $ 2,700

Original price was: $4,709.00.Current price is: $2,700.00.

Become a Professional Tax Preparer

and take your career and practice to the next level!

What better service to complement accounting than tax preparation and planning? Line by line, Doba Accounting and Tax Academy®’s Professional Tax Preparer™ program will teach you how to complete individual and business returns so that you can either prepare taxes on the side, or start your own full-time tax business.

As a certified Professional Tax Preparer™ you’ll be trained and tested to provide the quality services expected from a tax preparer. By mastering this one skill you can increase your income by approximately $100+ per hour.

What's Included in the Program?

5 courses, 100’s of video Lessons, 62 hours of instruction, 4 downloadable manuals, online accesss – anytime, anywhere.

To ensure your success we provide you a coach and mentor to help you every step of the way.

After completing the program, develop your business and marketing plan one-on-one with your DATA marketing coach.

What You'll Learn In this Program

Coaching Support from our Experts

Even though you may be training from the comfort of home, you are far from on your own. You’ll have access to the support of knowledgeable accounting professionals throughout your course and beyond.

  • Orientation Counselor to help you get set up and started right.
  • Academic Coach (tutor) to help you learn the material and answer related real-world questions.
  • Marketing Coach to help you apply our proven turnkey business plan to find and engage with your ideal clients as you start and build your business.

Meet Your Instructors

2023 Professional Tax Preparer With Software

Includes Personal, Business and marketing training. With UAC Tax Software Regular Price $ 4,709 Discounted Price $ 2,700

Original price was: $4,709.00.Current price is: $2,700.00.

Enjoy Flexible Payment Plans

Start learning without having to pay it all at once.