2023 Professional Tax Preparer: Personal Income Tax Preparation (Modules 1 and 2)

Personal Income Tax Preparation PTP 2023 Mod 1: Establishing The Tax Foundation PTP 2023 Mod 2: Becoming the 1040 Expert Retail Price $1,460

Course Category:


Welcome and Introduction

with Roger Knecht

  • Establishing the Tax Foundation: Learn the entire process for determining income and adjustments to income, which will factor into the Adjusted Gross Income
  • Becoming the 1040 Expert: Understand all the adjustments that can be made to adjusted gross income, including credits that are allowed and different types of deductions and exemptions that can be taken against that adjusted gross income number

$AVE your clients money every year by becoming their Tax Expert

The best time to become a Tax Specialist is NOW

By mastering this skill set, you can earn approximately $100+ per hour and help each of your clients to prepare for the upcoming tax season efficiently, using the most current tax information and your ever-growing expertise. Line by line, the Universal Accounting®’s Professional Tax Preparer™ program will teach you how to complete individual returns so that you can either prepare taxes on the side or start your own full-time Tax Planning, Prep and Advisor Services. You may be wondering if now is the proper time to invest in your future with this compelling and engaging career… NOW is the perfect time! Let me explain…

Isn’t all tax knowledge only put to use in April?

When it comes to filing taxes, are most people PROACTIVE or REACTIONARY?

When it comes to filing taxes, are most people PROACTIVE or REACTIONARY?

If you understand the difference between Tax Preparation and Tax Planning, you would realize that TAX PROS like yourself are desperately needed ALL YEAR LONG. Most taxpayers can save money over what they pay in taxes yearly. But the average person is not always aware of the latest regulations and codes, or how to follow them in the best and most beneficial ways. This is where you come in as their Tax Specialist and Advisor. In a few weeks of study and practice, you can be prepared to help your clients proactively PLAN AHEAD for their taxes next season, instead of simply reacting to last year’s oversights. Proactive and proper planning during the year will give your clients BIG $AVING$ at the end of the year! The time to prepare yourself to become their Tax Advisor and Specialist is RIGHT NOW.

What makes DATA’s course so unique?

Convenient At-Home Learning

The Professional Tax Preparer™ Certification Program consists of 67 hours of training. Our tax preparation courses include books and worksheets (over 600 pages of instruction and reference materials). In this engaging and interactive self study tax training course, you have the flexibility to complete the courses in a way that fits your life. The course is taught by our experienced tax accounting professionals who give practical advice on not only tax issues, but also provide real-world solutions to give you the edge in productivity and profitability. Our instructors know about the certain challenges you will face because they have been there themselves.

Course curriculum

  • Video: Getting Started

  • Welcome from your Coach

  • Get your PTIN NOW!

  • Now start the paperwork for your EFIN!

  • Printing Errors in Manual

  • Introduction

  • Table of Contents

  • Now it is time to introduce yourself

  • Taxation Basics (M1S1)

  • Video: Who has to file? (M1 S1 T1)

  • Who has to file? (M1 S1 T1)

  • Video: Which form to use? (M1 S1 T2)

  • Which form to use? (M1 S1 T2)

  • Video: When You Must File (M1 S1 T3)

  • When you must file? (M1 S1 T3)

  • Video: Filing Status (M1 S1 T4)

  • Filing Status (M1 S1 T4)

  • Video: Dependents (M1 S1 T5)

  • Dependents (M1 S1 T5)

  • Video: Review of Getting Started (M1 S1 T7)

  • Speak to your peers.

  • Module 1 Session 1: Review Questions

  • Module 1 Chapter 1 Learning Activities

  • Module 1 Chapter 1 Learning Activies Solutions

  • Prime Corporate Services

  • Video: Gross Income (M1 S2 T1)

  • Video: Wages and Other Compensation (M1 S2 T2)

  • Wages and Other Compensation (M1 S2 T2)

  • Video: Employee vs Self-Employed Contractor (M1 S2 T3)

  • Employee VS Independent Contractor (M1 S2 T3)

  • Video: Tips (M1 S2 T4)

  • Tips (M1 S2 T4)

  • Video: Form W-2 (M1 S2 T5)

  • Form W-2 (M1 S2 T5)

  • Form 1099-NEC (M1 S2 T6)

  • Form W-4 (M1 S2 T7)

  • Video: Session 2 Review (M1 S2 T7)

  • Module 1 Session 2: Review Questions

  • How to submit an assignment:

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 2 Learning Activity

  • Module 1 Chapter 2: Wage Salary and Tips: LA Solutions

  • Video: Intro (M1 S3 T1)

  • Video: Taxable Interest (M1 S3 T2)

  • Taxable Interest (M1 S3 T2)

  • Video: Non-taxable Interest (M1 S3 T3)

  • Non-Taxable Interest (M1 S3 T3)

  • Video: Form 1099-INT (M1 S3 T4)

  • Form 1099-INT (M1 S3 T4)

  • Video: Dividend Income (M1 S3 T5)

  • Dividends (M1 S3 T5)

  • Video: Form 1099-DIV (M1 S3 T6)

  • Form 1099-DIV (M1 S3 T6)

  • Session 3 Video: Review (M1 S3 T7)

  • Module 1 Session 3: Review Questions (M1 S3 T7)

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 3 Learning Activity

  • Module 1Chapter 3: Schedule B: LA Solutions

  • Video: Intro (M1 S4 T1)

  • Video: Self-Employment and Farm Income (M1 S4 T2)

  • Self-Employment (M1 S4 T2)

  • Video: Schedule C (M1 S4 T3)

  • Schedule C (M1 S4 T3)

  • Video: Schedule F – Farming (M1 S4 T5)

  • Schedule F (M1 S4 T5)

  • Video: Session 4 Review (M1 S4 T6)

  • Module 1 Session 4: Review Questions (M1 S4 T6)

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 4 Learning Activity

  • PTPM1S4 Schedules C and F LA Solutions

  • Turning in assignments

  • Video: Intro Capital Gain or Loss (M1 S5 T1)

  • Video: Capital Assets (M1 S5 T2)

  • Capital Assets (M1 S5 T2)

  • Video: Basis (M1 S5 T3)

  • Basis (M1 S5 T3)

  • Video: Capital Gains Tax Rates (M1 S5 T4)

  • Capital Gain Tax Rates (M1 S5 T4)

  • Kinds of Transactions

  • Video: Schedule D (M1 S5 T5)

  • Form 8949 and Schedule D (M1 S5 T5)

  • Video: Review (M1 S5 T6)

  • Module 1 Session 5: Review Questions (M1 S5 T6)

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 5 Learning Activity

  • Module 1 Chapter 5: Form 8949 and Schedule D: LA Solutions

  • Establishing the Tax Foundation: RECORDED Review Class Part 1 (Chapters 1-5)

  • Video: Introduction (M1 S6 T1)

  • Video: IRA Distributions (M1 S6 T2)

  • IRA Distributions (M1 S6 T2)

  • Video: Pensions and Annuities (M1 S6 T3)

  • Pensions, Annuities & Other Retirement Income (M1 S6 T3)

  • Rollovers and Other Distribution Rules

  • Video: Form 1099-R (M1 S6 T4)

  • Form 1099-R (M1 S6 T4)

  • Video: Social Security Benefits (M1 S6 T5)

  • Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefits (M1 S6 T5)

  • Video: Session 6 Review (M1 S6 T6)

  • Module 1 Session 6: Review Questions (M1 S6 T6)

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 6 Learning Activity

  • Module 1Chapter 6: Retirement Income: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction (M1 S7 T1)

  • Video: Schedule E (M1 S7 T2)

  • Income or Loss from Rental Property

  • Video: Rental Income (M1 S7 T3)

  • Video: K-1 and Royalties (M1 S7 T4)

  • Income or Loss from Royalties

  • Schedule E, Part I

  • Income or Loss from Partnerships and S Corporations, Estates and Trusts

  • Schedule E, Parts II – V

  • Video: Session 7 Review (M1 S7 T5)

  • Module 1 Session 7: Review Questions

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 7 Learning Activity

  • Module 1 Chapter 7: Schedule E: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Taxable Refunds and Unemployment Compensation

  • Taxable Refunds & Unemployment Compensation

  • Video: Alimony Received

  • Child Support & Alimony Received

  • Video: Sale of Business Property

  • Sale of Business Property

  • Video: Form 4797

  • Form 4797 – Sales of Business Property

  • Video: Other Income

  • Other Income – Reported on Schedule 1

  • Video: Review

  • Module 1 Session 8: Review Questions

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 8 Learning Activity

  • Module 1 Chapter 8: Other Types of Income: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Educator Expenses

  • Educator Expenses

  • Video: Certain Business Expenses

  • Certain Business Expenses

  • Video: Moving Expenses

  • Moving Expenses

  • Video: One-Half Self-Employment Tax

  • One-Half Self-Employment Tax

  • Video: Review

  • Module 1 Session 9: Review Questions

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 9 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 9 Learning Activity 2

  • Module 1 Chapter 9: Occupational Adjustments: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: IRA Deduction

  • Video: Self-Employed Retirement Plans

  • Video: Self-Employed Retirement Plans – SEP

  • Video: Self-Employed Retirement Plans – SIMPLE

  • Video: Self-Employed Retirement Plans – Qualified plans

  • Self-Employed Retirement Plans

  • Video: Penalty on Early Withdrawal of Savings

  • Penalty on Early Withdrawal of Savings

  • Video: Student Loan Interest Deduction

  • Student Loan Interest Deduction

  • Video: Health Savings Deduction

  • Health Savings Account Deduction

  • Video: Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction

  • Self-employed Health Insurance Deduction

  • Video: Alimony Paid

  • IRA Deduction

  • Video: Uncommon Personal Other Adjustments

  • Other Adjustments

  • Charitable Contributions

  • Video: Review

  • Module 1 Session 10: Review Questions

  • Download Module 1 Chapter 10 Learning Activity

  • Module 1 Chapter 10: Retirement Educational and Other Personal Adjustments: LA Solutions

  • Module 1 Review – CHAT

  • Establishing the Tax Foundation: RECORDED Review Class Part 2 (Chapters 6-10)

  • Module 1 Index

  • Professional Tax Preparer – Module 1 – Practice Exam 2023

  • Video: Introduction

  • Introduction

  • Corrections to Printed Manual

  • Table of Contents

  • Video: Standard or Itemized Deductions

  • Standard Deduction

  • Medical and Dental Expenses

  • Video: Taxes Paid

  • Taxes Paid

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 1: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 1 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 1 Learning Activity 2

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 1 Learning Activity 3

  • Module 2 Chapter 1: Schedule A Part A: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Interest Paid

  • Interest Paid

  • Video: Gifts to Charity

  • Gifts to Charity

  • Video: Casualty and Theft Losses

  • Casualty and Theft Losses

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 2: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 2 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 2 Learning Activity 2

  • PTPM2S2 Schedule A Part B LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Other Miscellaneous Deductions

  • Job Expenses

  • Video: Deduction Limitiation

  • Miscellaneous Deductions

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 3: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 3 Learning Activity

  • PTPM2S3 Schedule A Part C LA Solutions

  • Deductions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Using Tax Tables

  • How to use the Tax Table

  • Video: Alternative Minimum Tax

  • Alternative Minimum Tax

  • Shared Responsibility Payment and Tax Tables

  • Check in with your community

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 4: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 4 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 4 Learning Activity 2

  • PTPM2S4 Calculating the Tax LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Non-Refundable Tax Credits Part A

  • Video: Child Tax Credit

  • Child Tax Credit

  • Video: Child and Dependent Care Credit

  • Child and Dependent Care Credit

  • Video: Education Credits

  • Education Credits

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 5: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 5 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 5 Learning Activity 2

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 5 Learning Activity 3

  • PTPM2S5 Non-refundable Credits Part A LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Residential Energy Credits

  • Residential Energy Credits

  • Video: Retirement Savings Contributions Credit

  • Retirement Saver’s Credit

  • Video: Credit for the Elderly and Disabled

  • Video: Other Credits

  • Other Credits

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 6: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 6 Learning Activity

  • PTPM2S6 Non-Refundable Credits Part B LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Self-Employment Tax

  • Self-Employment Tax

  • Video: Unreported Social Security and Medicare Tax

  • Unreported Social Security and Medicare Tax

  • Video: Additional Taxes on Tax-Favored Accounts

  • Additional Taxes on Tax-Favored Accounts

  • Video: Household Employment Taxes

  • Household Employment Taxes

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 7: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 7 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 7 Learning Activity 2

  • Module 2 Chapter 7: Other Taxes: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: Withholding

  • Previous Tax Payments

  • Video: Estimated Tax Payments

  • Video: Request for Extension

  • Video: Earned Income Credit

  • Earned Income Credit

  • Video: Excess Withholding

  • Video: Additional Child Tax Credit

  • Additional Child Tax Credit

  • Premium Tax Credit

  • Other Refundable Credits

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 8: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 8 Learning Activity 1

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 8 Learning Activity 2

  • Module 2 Chapter 8: Payments and Refundable Credits: LA Solutions

  • Video: Introduction

  • Video: PTIN and EFIN

  • Tax Preparer ID Numbers

  • Video: Third Party Designee

  • Third Party Designee

  • Video: Signing the Return

  • Identity Protection PIN

  • Video: How to File

  • Filing the Return

  • Video: File by Mail

  • Video: E-File

  • Video: Amended Returns

  • Amended Returns

  • Video: Penalties

  • Penalties

  • IRS Tax Notices

  • Video: Review

  • Module 2: Session 9: Review Questions

  • Download Module 2 Chapter 9 Learning Activity

  • PTPM2S9 Closing the Return LA Solutions

  • Personal Income Tax Preparation: LIVE Review Class: Part 4

  • Module 2 Index

  • Professional Tax Preparer Module 2 Practice Exam

  • 2023 Personal Income Tax Preparation Final Exam

  • Introduction to UAC Tax Software

  • Continuing Education Program Evaluation

Business Owners are Taxpayers Too

YOU have many potential clients around you RIGHT NOW and we can prove it: Think of the area around your home. Picture a circle with a diameter of a couple miles with your home in the center. The several businesses within this circle need tax planning to $AVE them hard-earned earnings each year! Think of the local businesses where you have shopped in the last month. Have there been many? Those businesses where you’re a customer also need your help AHEAD of their tax payment coming due. Consider a list of your Friends and Family. Every person on this list also knows struggling Business Owners looking for an EXPERT to help them find ways to shrink their tax debt. These 3 examples just showed you where to start looking build your TAX PLANNING AND PREPARATION client base. Can you name one business owner who PREFERS to pay MORE than they owe to the government? Of course not! Each one needs a PRO to help them find every possible deduction and applicable tax break. Your goal is to set them up for SUCCESS beforehand. UA’s Profitable Business Returns is the education you need to become proficient in Business Tax planning and preparation.

2023 Professional Tax Preparer With Software

Includes Personal, Business and marketing training. With UAC Tax Software Regular Price $ 4,709 Discounted Price $ 2,700

Original price was: $4,709.00.Current price is: $2,700.00.

Enjoy Flexible Payment Plans

Start learning without having to pay it all at once.